Jess Fleur Thorpe

Foley Galleries

These are my Foley Gallery's, showing my latest projects and Animation/Film festivals, that help to inspire my work. 

All Photo’s taken by Me unless stated otherwise!

Photography by me

Photography by me

Foley Gallery... 

Latest updates on projects, i am currently creating the Foley on. The latest project being LandLubber, my own 2D Student Animation, about a pirate learning to swim. coming soon... 

Photography by me

Photography by me

Foley Summer

Project 2020... 

This is an up and coming Mini personal project, where I will use short videos taken over my time at University, of different animals & Scenery’s, that I will replace the sounds in and create new sounds, with my own Foley and sounds.


This project can be viewed on my Instagram - 

Photography by me

Photography by me

Animation Festival


Here I will be posting the images from the different animation/Film festivals that I have had the Opportunity to Visit. which has inspired and influence me, such as the most recent trip to London, to see the Isle of Dogs sets and Puppets, which were speechless, the amount of detail they had, within each of the different sets, ranging in various sizes huge sets, let alone their magnificent Puppets. 

