benjamin cook advert
Character Designs by Emily Morgan & Kaarina Uimonen.
A Christmas Advert for Benjamin Cook.
Benjamin Cook Advert…
the rush job was a project where we had to follow a Brief to make a Christmas advert animatic, for a made-up company called Benjamin Cook. We took influences from both john lewis/marks and Spenser's Christmas adverts, to work out the idea for our Christmas advert, we wanted to play at people heartstrings and make a film that people would find moving and remember. The project was a Collaborative thing, with the Film students at our university, and we had a turn around of a week in which to complete it, in which our case felt like 3 days, as we had so many lectures to work around, to make sure Everyone would be free.
So once everyone finally goes together, we came up with the story very fast, the next day people went away and started Storyboarding, meanwhile, I and Sophia were waiting in the editing room to edit it together and mix placeholder sound, with the animation. it took ages before we were actually given anything and we ended up having to rush to put everything together as, in an hours time we had to show it in the cinema, but we made it and In the end, we came in second place and won £5, Amazon vouchers each. hopefully next time people are more organized, and I am given longer to mix the sound rather than the 3-2 hours, that we had. However it was the first thing I had ever mixed together so I feel I did rather well, and it made me feel like the sound is my calling. Hope you enjoy the film if you haven't watched it yet.
What our characters might have looked like,
if we had been given the chance to animate it:
Designs by Emily Morgan